Friday, September 10, 2010

He's Here! He's Here!!

Though this is long overdue, I just had a moment to post the big news. We lovingly welcomed Colin Jeffrey Frederick on Tuesday, August 24th at 9:01am. He was born at 7 pounds 14 ounces and 21.5 inches long. As this was a planned C-section it was much much easier than last time and made for a totally different experience overall!!

He's a doll and we love him so very much!! We are all adjusting to a new baby and our larger family, but just taking things one day at a time. I feel as though I've forgotten everything from the first time around with Faith but am slowly relearning whatever I can. I feel so very blessed and though I am definitely sleep deprived and overwhelmed at times, I am very very happy!!

I will post more soon with our latest adventures, but here are some pictures to make it all official!! We are very lucky, happy, and full of love!!