Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hoping for Good Things

It seems that my mantra these days is "good things, I need good things". Some days it works and others days not so much. This wasn't the best overall week on record to be honest. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that I tried my best to maintain a positive attitude which ended up making me feel disappointed and let down when all was not rosey. Perhaps it's because we're still waiting for some really great things to happen so that we may get our life back in order. It might have to do with the fact that I feel as though I am working non-stop with no real end in sight to things as I work to support my family. While I'm happy for the work (and I really am), I feel jipped as though it is taking time away from being with Faith. It's just tough all around!

We do have some great blessings to be thankful, namely Faith, and I keep remining myself of all of these things all the time. Hard not to smile when she looks at you, but yet it can make my constant seat at the kitchen table in my home office that much harder to sit at. All I can hope is that all of this effort and the positive thinking (that may come and go at times) will pay off and that there will in fact be "good things ahead". I am so grateful for the work, eternally thankful for Faith, and will do whatever I can to keep our family and happiness intact. Sure it's super hard sometimes and makes me feel beaten down when the weeks don't seem to change or improve at all. However I will just keep working away, looking at Faith to remember what it's all about, and above all keep telling myself and believing "better times ahead".

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Savoring the Little Things

I am learning to really appreciate the little things in life, sometimes that's all you've got to hold onto! The way that Faith sings along to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" when I rock her every night. Getting some awesome fresh produce from the farmer's market. A good laugh with my husband. A caring hug from my mom. Even just fun times spent with friends. I'm learning to really appreciate that these are the things that life are about. Even if it's hard to see it sometimes, that's what make regular days into good ones.

I won't lie.....this week had some rough moments as we continue to try and perservere over a tough situation. I had some definite mommy meltdown moments and questioned my abilities as a writer and a human this week. For the rough spots though there were some great ones. So I'm trying to take a little bit from every experience and learn from it. That's what it's all about and that is what I owe to Faith to be a good mom and role model. She gives me not only joy and inspiration as I try to take joy from the tiniest things in bubbles or a song!

Faith and I are signed up for "school" this fall, we'll be taking a class together and I can't wait! We have some great things to look forward to and I'm strangely content though the one thing that we of course need is for a good job to come my hubby's way. For some reason, I feel strangely optimistic right now. Not based on anything at all but hope, I feel like something big is about to pop to the surface for us. I sure hope I'm right as that would make life feel really great right now!! But for the time being, I will do my best to savor the little things and work like hell to make deadlines for all of the work I've taken on. Hey, that's something to be grateful for too right now!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Managing the Stress....Or Am I?!!

There are some weeks that are good and others that aren't. Right now it's kind of a mix of somewhere in the middle. Here's where I stand:

*No movement on the job front for the hubby. Trying to stay hopeful but some days it is just downright difficult. We want to remain positive and hopefuly that something will come along, but so far no real movement. I swear though that this man is doing everything that he can to make something happen. That has to work out in the end, right?

*Some good constant work for me. Let's hope that this trend continues even if I can feel the calluses developing on my hands from all the time logged at this laptop. I LOVE the work and am so very grateful for it right now, but am not sure that I can see myself working as this chaotic pace forever more. To be honest, I'm working harder than I was in my Corporate job. Oh the stress.....but yet the rewards doing it on my own!

*Faith is ADORABLE but surely a toddler. She's saying something new everyday, picking up all sorts of new things, and keeping us smiling. She's also cutting a couple more teeth, not sleeping so great, and eating is not a favorite pasttime. I have to remind myself even at times like this that the difficult phases will pass and that I need to enjoy the good stuff. Sometimes hard given our stressful situation right now, but I'm sure trying!

*All in all very lucky for many things. Amazing family, great friends, a very active social life even amidst where we are right now, a roof over our head, and the ability to pay our bills and put food on the table. I have to sometimes remind myself that this is all something to be grateful for and remember even when I get super stressed. So in the spirit of that I am taking time out from the hectic day to post this out of gratitude and a rememberance that I need to be thankful and happy for what I do have instead of always focusing on what I don't.

Hoping for some good news as time carries on, hope with me my friends!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Waiting for Something to Break

So my attitude has been skewed towards positive this week. Not for any particular reason, but I just look at it as something has to break at some point, right? I mean we can't go on like this forever, he will find a job. I keep telling myself that something is going to break soon and hoping (and praying) for good things. We'll see how long I can keep this up and if it ends up being contagious enough to rub off on my hubby. So far though, so good!

We had a wonderful weekend away which we needed. We headed to the west side of the state to see my brother and enjoyed some nice time with him and as a family. It wasn't a big getaway but it was sure nice to put the stress and the constant tie to the computer aside for a day or two. You can see from the picture how happy we are, cute little family enjoying each other's company. Faith was very pleased to spend time with Grandma and Uncle Gene too! She even went an entire day without a nap and was AWESOME!! She did great on the car rides so you can't really ask for more than that.

I am happy to report that I've picked up some new jobs lately and still working with my regular clients so all is well on the work front. Hoping that it continues! I of course always have the difficult clients but the good ones make up for that and I'm thrilled to have the work. The hubby is trying to break into freelance work too and I remember how it took me awhile, so I'm confident that he will do great with it once he gets going.

So hoping that this positive attitude will pay off and good things are ahead!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Keep With It

I'm happy to say that I've got some MAJOR work right now.....and hoping that it keeps up that way!! It certainly takes some pressure off of our current situation and hopefully gets me in with some great clients that become regular fixtures. That's the hope at least! In the meantime, I'm writing until the calluses form and hoping that it gets us through this rough patch. Oh please let this only be a temporary rough patch!

No news to report though I will say that the hubby is doing everything in his power to find the right thing. I'm really impressed by his persistance and ability to get involved with so many different activities. I know he's doing everything he possibly can and I can only hope that it will pay off and land him something just phenomenal. Here's hoping!

Faith is adorable and fun as usual......with the tantrum thrown in and there. I called one of my BFF's in a panic yesterday asking her for advice on how she's handled things with her almost two year old because it would seem that we're getting a taste of the "terrible twos" prematurely around here. Luckily it's not all the time and she's just so cute and fun that these little outbursts are easy to overlook. We're heading up to see Uncle Gene this weekend and hoping that she does well and we can all have a great time!!

My hope is that the next time I post we have some good news. Oh how I wish!!!