Monday, July 27, 2009

Mind Over Matter

So I was already feeling like we needed to instill some positive thinking back into our lives....and then it was reiterated at Church. We heard a homily that might as well have been customized for us talking about how the negativity can attract the same thing. Anyhow, the long and the short of it is that we need to start thinking and acting in a more positive manner. Not that we have any reason to feel more positive right now--no job offers, I'm wrapping up with some projects and hoping for more, nothing particularly special but we're going to try it.

I've noticed that Faith has started to act out a bit lately with some shrieks (that are simply ear piercing!) and tantrums. It could be totally coincidental but it seems odd that this behavior has come about as we are in this slump. So yet again you learn the lesson that you will do ANYTHING for your kids and to be positive doesn't cost a thing but if it makes a good difference in her life, then I'm all for it!

I had a VERY nice birthday--I woke up to the hubby cooking my fave breakfast and was then sent immediately with coffee in hand to a mani pedi. So nice and relaxing! We spent a nice day together and then finished with an amazing meal out, some wine, and a movie. Perfect!! So I am grateful and starting out the week on that positive note.

Let's hope that this is a good week full of positive and wonderful things!! I hope that this new way of thinking makes a big difference for us overall and allows us to enjoy things a bit more!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Stuck in the Middle

Another day another issue, I feel like there's just something always going on right now. We had some great and much needed family time today but I feel like we are just STUCK! Stuck waiting to hear from a few possibilities for my work, stuck waiting for a couple of maybe could be possibilities for Jeff, and just stuck. I'm just not the most patient person as the world as those close to me know so this is just an awful game. I keep thinking that something will break, something HAS to break, right? Ugh, I just keep telling myself that there's something positive coming our way. Not that today brought anything bad, but some good stuff would be a welcome change!

In the meantime, Faith keeps us going each and everyday! She is saying so much right now, really picking up words and actions at such an amazing rate. I'm loving this phase in spite of the temper tantrums. I will admit too that sometimes when she becomes a drama queen, I laugh. Literally laugh out loud! I can't help it, it's just too silly not to laugh at. So that helps to get me through the rough patches and moments of sheer frustration.

My hope is that by my next post I'll have something good....something positive please come my way!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Little Sunshine

She's back! My sweet little girl seems to be herself again, well mostly. She's not sleeping well as she keeps sitting up in her crib and crying until mommy keeps running to the rescue. All of a sudden she's just fine when mommy holds her, but then screams in terror when she's left alone. Part of hand-foot-mouth? Um no, thinking that it's teething and a whole lot of separation anxiety. Poor thing! I feel terrible that she feels left alone.....BUT I also can't keep running in there every hour on the hour. I can only drink so much coffee in a day to wake up!

So it would seem that our little sunshine is back, let's hope she stays this cute and amazing for a long time....and well!!

Wish that I had good news to report on the job front. Nothing, not a single thing! It's one of those days where it's getting to me but I'm trying not to give in. I'm just working away on my own stuff and hoping and praying that somehow something works out. Ugh! At least I have my little angel back, yeah for that!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Okay Enough Already!!

As if we didn't already have enough going on, yesterday the little darling woke up with a fever! It was quite the fever but after a little Baby Motrin all was well. Fast forward to lunch with family and all of a sudden my fiesty little toddler fell asleep in my arms at a busy restaurant. Red Flag--something is wrong! Off to the Night Owl clinic we go and the diagnosis is as follows:

-Another Ear Infection

-Teething Hell

-HAND FOOT MOUTH DISEASE---Are you kidding me?!!!

So the poor little thing has sores all in her mouth, to the point that she just drools and can't even really open her mouth. We're hoping by mid week that she'll feel better but so far it's not so much fun for anyone. I feel terrible when she's sick, I feel so helpless as she has those sick eyes and looks all droopy! This may be something that I have to write regular reports on this week because if somebody would have told me that we would be dealing with unemployment and all of the issues that go along with it, a chaotic schedule for the hubby and I, new and less insurance, AND a sick baby I wouldn't have believed it!

I'm waiting to hear on a couple new projects......fingers crossed! In the meantime I'm working to finish up some existing work and find time to just take a deep breath. Life is crazy but I keep telling myself that it HAS to get better, right? I need some reassurance because there are moments in all of this that I seriously need to refrain from a full on meltdown (mommy and otherwise). Oh and to add to how this all transpired yesterday---we got home from the Kid Rock concert at 2:30am!! So when her sweet little cry came bellowing out at 6:15am, I thought that I might just fall over on the spot. That will teach me to act like I'm twenty-something again!!

So more updates to come and fingers crossed for some good stuff this week---we REALLY need it!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

High Moments in the Midst of Chaos

Faith had a doctor's appointment this morning and though all is well, she has such a flair for the dramatic. I swear, the child cries if a doctor even looks at her. I play the part of doting mother as she starts to scowl but I don't think that she will ever be a fan of these appointments. The minute that the nurse rubbed the alcohol on her leg for her shot she went into a fit.....but we survived! She's having one of those days as the sheer mention of eating starts to cause her to frown, but with the bad comes the good. She's still 21.5 pounds of pure adorable and my little angel!

Good news of all good news......Jeff passed his final exam! That's right, my man is offically a licensed architect! We couldn't be happier and I couldn't be more proud after years in the making. The only thing that would make us happier is if he had a job, but we're hoping that comes in time. We can only hope that one of these leads turns into something real and tangible. Keep praying and thinking positive, right?

Another day, more highs and lows...above all more amazing time with the little one. If it weren't for Faith, the days would be so miserable. So even when she starts to exhibit early signs of the terrible twos, I remember how very special she is and how lucky I am to be her "mama"!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Keeping the Faith

Yes I know it's just too cute when I used this old cliche considering that my daughter is named Faith....simply adorable! Faith is absolutely what keeps us going on the worst of days so it's only fitting that this cliche uses her very name. We received the VERY good news that Jeff passed his final licensing exam today. So exciting as it's been over 6 years in the making. Big accomplishment for him and I am so very proud of him! A bit bittersweet as I know that he would have loved to have a great job to be in and celebrate this feat, but something worth getting excited about nonetheless.

The job search still carries on but we are trying to keep the faith. He's looking at different avenues and perhaps a freelance type of basis, but nothing just yet. We are trying hard to stay positive and to pray even when it feels like life is beating on us. I am learning not only to celebrate the little things in life through all of this, but also that no matter how much of a planner you are you sometimes have to just roll with things. This is a hard one for me to learn but I'm sure trying!

I am happily working away on some great projects right now and praying that this continues. I'm happy to be working with some existing clients and some new ones and just hope that I can keep it all going somehow. In the meantime, we're trying to do our best to enjoy summer and being together whenever we can. Life feels so much busier with this new twist and turn but it is definitely making us appreciate each other and what we have that much more.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Trying So Hard

We are trying so hard to stay positive, though at times it's hard. I will say that the biggest and most important motivator to us right now is most definitely Faith! Without her, days would be a lot harder to get through and our will to stay positive and stay strong in this difficult time would be highly unlikely. I feel as though both Jeff and I are so busy these days, him looking for work and me trying to complete more work and what ties us together and keeps us intact is that sweet little smile. Just a simple word or sound from Faith can make a bad day so much brighter and I will always be eternally grateful for her no matter how tough times may get! She is truly our one blessing when it feels like everything else has failed in life.

I am happy to say that I have been given some great projects that really helped to take the worry about of things just a bit. Not that what I do will ever have us rolling in the money, but it certainly helps with the stress of it all at times. I'm not saying that some of the articles that I write are glamorous by a long shot, but they all help me to build and diversify my experience and knowledge, and they help to pay down some of the bills in the meantime. So even though I feel as if I have a permanent seat at this kitchen table working on projects of all sizes, scopes, topics, and mediums, I am eternally grateful to be here doing this and be around to see everything that Faith does in a given day. May we be blessed enough that I may continue to do this! We are still overwhelmed by the support and love of our family and friends. I've decided that when all is said and done and WHEN (not if) Jeff finds a good job, I will be throwing a big huge party to celebrate and to thank all of those who are so close to us and who love us in the great times and the awful ones too!