Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Great Thanksgiving

Though you may be surprised to hear this, I feel as though I have a lot to be thankful for. Sometimes my rants or complaints may indicate otherwise, but I am so grateful for the many blessings that I have in my life. Though I hope, pray, and wish that my hubby finds a great job in the very near future, we are truly blessed in many other ways. We had a great Thanksgiving and I took it as an opportunity to reflect on all that we have and are thankful for. We had a really nice time with family and enjoyed watching Faith as she's really starting to get it all. Then of course I got to enjoy hitting up all the sales the next morning bright and early with all the other crazies....but I love it!

Now with the holidays in full swing, I'm choosing to be happy and enjoy my most favorite time of year. I am steady with work, hopeful for our future, and overwhelmed with joy when I look down at this beautiful little girl growing up right before my eyes. Such a fun stage! How can I be down with all the great things I have going for me? Forget the fact that I have absolutely no idea how I can possibly write a total of 64 articles this week (yes you read that correctly), it's the fact that I have the work, right? So will you find me like this next post? Perhaps and hopefully, but if not I am enjoying the season and being a happy and successful mommy and of course mompreneur!

The holidays are here, and hopefully that means GOOD THINGS AHEAD for everyone!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

All Over the Place

I'll keep it short and sweet in saying that there is nothing new to report. However Faith is talking up a storm, and is truly saying new words and putting together new sentences every day. It's truly amazing and such a joy to watch! Even when I have a bad day or when I worry constantly about our situation, just one look at her makes it better. She is such a joy, and this is such a fun stage!

I am truly all over the place, as is my workload. I have days where I'm swamped and days where I'm a bit slower, but it somehow all balances out. I have days where I worry constantly about our situation and our future, and days where I tell myself that it will all be okay. All the while I work hard to remember and repeat my mantra of GOOD THINGS AHEAD!!

Faith is making a bad situation much easier, and I feel so very lucky to have her. I am watching my baby transform into a little girl right before my eyes, and I can barely believe it. So while I may be all over the place, Faith keeps me grounded and reminds me of what is truly important in life. It is with that that I can remember that there are to be GOOD THINGS AHEAD, and she makes all things possible!! I'm just feeling the mommy love today, what can I say?!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Picking Up the Pace

Things are busy, and that's a good thing! I'm busy again, the hubby seems to be busy, and Faith is certainly busy. With the most wonderful time of the year upon us, that means a jam packed calendar and a whole lot of busy in the near future as well. I love the chaos, this is a good kind, so I welcome it with open arms. I've already taken Faith to see the Christmas trees at the mall twice, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. Within all of this organized chaos, I do still have my worries but I just keep hoping that there are GOOD THINGS AHEAD and that perhaps the new year will bring us some joy.

We are in pretty good spirits, though it of course depends on the day. Faith is really talking up a storm and has truly developed her own personality. I am so excited to share this exciting time of year with my little girl, and I can't wait to see her through all of the fun activities that are in store for our family. With that I do hope that there is some joy and some nice surprises, but somehow someway I have faith that it will happen and that it will all work out.

I try to smile everyday and have taken cues from friends that try to think of something to be grateful for each day leading up to Thanksgiving. I am grateful for my little girl, my husband, my mom, my dog, and my whole family. I am grateful for amazing friends and always fun things to do, and the laughs that come along with that. I am grateful to have developed a business that has served me well, particularly in recent months. I am grateful for a lot of things, and perhaps that needs to be a focus within all of my posts leading up to Thanksgiving. So for now, I will focus on getting healthy and staying focused in busy times as the pace picks up. Yay for that and hoping for more good things ahead!

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Yup, that's right....I'm one of those that gets super excited for Christmas as soon as Halloween is over! I'll admit that this was the best Halloween yet because Faith was so adorable and we had so much fun with her, but now that it's over I can start focusing on the most wonderful time of the year. I tried to find my all Christmas music all the time station today, but much to my dismay they aren't broadcasting it yet. I improvised and Faith and I (and daddy much to his dismay) danced to Christmas music in our living room tonight. My husband asked me what I love so much about the music and I told him I think it's the joy that it brings, the excitement of things to come, and the hope of the season and a new year. I am hopeful that all of these things will somehow bring much happiness and fulfillment our way....once and for all!

I won't lie and say that it was a fantastic weekend all around. There were some mommy meltdown moments and times when I felt like this whole situation was bringing us down as a family, but I'm moving past it. I'm trying hard to focus on the positive and look to a new day that is sure to bring us everything we want. Though I'm busy right now I don't have a ton of work coming up just yet, but I'm approaching this as a positive where an empty canvas may very well turn into a good thing in the long run. Who knows, maybe I'm onto something?! In the meantime, I look to Faith's smiling face and her chants of "mommy" to get me through the rough days, and I focus on the better days ahead and hopefully GOOD THINGS!!