With the craziness of the holidays, I've barely had time to breath let alone write on the blog. Faith's first Christmas was a great one! She was a trooper in spite of a cold and some awful teething. Fortunately that's all it is right now and hopefully she just gets better from here. She got some great gifts but of course is far more interested in playing with the old toys and wrapping paper. Too funny!
I was happy to finish off some great projects before Christmas hit and now am working on some ongoing ones. So the work was steady and I'm hoping that continues, that's always a nice thing to know in the back of my head that I have things waiting for me. Now it's just a matter of getting them done! It's sure hard to get motivated when we have the whole family home but the show must go on. I will admit it's much easier to get some time to write when Daddy is home with Faith, so I'll enjoy it while I can.
Almost a new year and a first birthday for Faith....hard to believe!! So between writing, taking care of the little one and all the other little fun things, we will also begin planning her first birthday party. Fun times ahead, God willing!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A Moment of Peace
It's hard to believe that Christmas Eve is only a week from tomorrow! Though I've been pretty much done with Christmas shopping since Thanksgiving, I still have plenty to do. The wrapping, more baking, more cooking.....oh yeah and try to squeeze in as many articles as possible before the holidays hit! It's simply never ending and though I've always loved this time of the year I've never had to balance trying to run a business at the same time.
I used to be done with work by a certain date and that was it. Now I need to really push myself to squeeze in a bit of work even when it's family time and writing articles is the last thing I want to do. I love this job, but vacation time is limited. I will likely take a little time to enjoy things but really try to squeeze in some writing here and there. I know it will benefit me in the long run. So that's where we're at!
I have pushed through several projects over the last week and wrote my little heart out. I'm so greatful for the work, and also for the fact that I'm starting to get some repeat work and that's always a wonderful thing. Little by little I'm building up my network and my portfolio. I think of how far I've come in a year since having Faith and I hope to report progress a year from now as I hope that my freelance writing business is that much more successful. I of course hope and pray to be the very best mom possible as that is goal number one!
I hope to report more great news and things to be thankful for by the next writing. Until then, I intend on enjoying a moment of peace while I can!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Let the Jobs Keep Rolling In
Oh what a great start to the week! In my despair last week about a lack of work and pure panic setting in I figured that I would have another week to follow that. It's only Monday and I have three new jobs, thank you very much! I am happy to say that I have a repeat client, as well as two new jobs to keep me busy for awhile. I recognize that not all weeks will be like this and last week is testament to that, but wow it's awesome when it does pan out that way!! I recognize that I really need to work on my frustration and fear of the worse, but it's a personality flaw and it takes time to fix these things.
Faith is awesome and we again had a wonderful weekend! It's busy with all the fun holiday things and everything is so much more fun with her....it brings new meaning to this time of year and we are just loving every minute of it. We feel so very blessed!! She is crawling up a storm and pulling up on everything. She's eating everything in sight and we hope that adds to the pound total at the doctor on Wednesday. We need to fatten this little peanut up! She did eat a piece of dogfood today that I fortunately was able to retrieve very quickly.
All is well and we are hoping that this is a great week!! When you have this little face to look at, how can it not be wonderful?!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
All This Work.....Time to Show It Off
In addition to the freelance jobs that I work to pick up, I started writing about my experiences with Faith and with life on a much more laid back website. My work can be found at:
This is my outlet! Sure I get paid a little here and there for my articles and it has helped me to build up my portfolio, but it's a nice little stress relief from the everyday writing on topics that may or may not interest me. But hey it's a living and this is how I'm home today!
I'm not one to usually show off my work but I figured that it's time.
While Faith naps, I scour every resource for more work and in the meantime settle down to write a few of my "fun" articles. I figure too that these articles that chronicle my experiences with Faith through the years will be a really cool thing for her to have and look back through when she's older.
This is my outlet! Sure I get paid a little here and there for my articles and it has helped me to build up my portfolio, but it's a nice little stress relief from the everyday writing on topics that may or may not interest me. But hey it's a living and this is how I'm home today!
I'm not one to usually show off my work but I figured that it's time.
While Faith naps, I scour every resource for more work and in the meantime settle down to write a few of my "fun" articles. I figure too that these articles that chronicle my experiences with Faith through the years will be a really cool thing for her to have and look back through when she's older.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Riding the High and Low Cycle
So last week at this time I was completely panicked! In a tissy wondering how I could possibly get all my work done and on top of that get the house and the food ready for Thanksgiving. I had more articles than one could possibly write in a week and had my stomach in knots worrying about it. Fast forward to this week..........all is sure quiet on the homefront!
For whatever reason I only have one real job to focus on and of course it's an awful one. I've learned that when something sounds like fun to write about, it's really not! Hey it's money but I'm still frustrated that I only have one job. I've bid on several but am in the dreaded waiting period. I hate that! I tend to work well under pressure and when that pressure is purely focused on how the heck I will generate more work, I don't do so well with that.
I'm taking this as a sign though, showing that I need to just enjoy a day or two here and there to just be with Faith. Not to be so focused and stressed out about how I will get work or how I will get it all done, but rather to focus on the whole reason I am lucky enough to be at home. I feel like I give her plenty of attention but sometimes it's easy to take it for granted or not realize just how very lucky I am when I'm focused on the balancing act and how to accomplish all the work I need to get done in a short time period.
It somehow all works out! My dear husband is always telling me that "we'll get it all to work out somehow". I am always skeptical at the time but then I realize later on that he is just so right. I knew I wanted to be home with my daughter and didn't quite know how I would manage it, but here I am 10 months later and still luckily home with her. Thank God! I am the luckiest woman and mommy in the world and it's at times like this that I must remember that.
For whatever reason I only have one real job to focus on and of course it's an awful one. I've learned that when something sounds like fun to write about, it's really not! Hey it's money but I'm still frustrated that I only have one job. I've bid on several but am in the dreaded waiting period. I hate that! I tend to work well under pressure and when that pressure is purely focused on how the heck I will generate more work, I don't do so well with that.
I'm taking this as a sign though, showing that I need to just enjoy a day or two here and there to just be with Faith. Not to be so focused and stressed out about how I will get work or how I will get it all done, but rather to focus on the whole reason I am lucky enough to be at home. I feel like I give her plenty of attention but sometimes it's easy to take it for granted or not realize just how very lucky I am when I'm focused on the balancing act and how to accomplish all the work I need to get done in a short time period.
It somehow all works out! My dear husband is always telling me that "we'll get it all to work out somehow". I am always skeptical at the time but then I realize later on that he is just so right. I knew I wanted to be home with my daughter and didn't quite know how I would manage it, but here I am 10 months later and still luckily home with her. Thank God! I am the luckiest woman and mommy in the world and it's at times like this that I must remember that.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Balancing It All Out

So Faith's first Thanksgiving is now over and it was a wonderful one! Though she's still not feeling 100% herself, we did have a wonderful holiday with the family and even got in a visit with Santa this weekend. It's one of those great weekends that we hate to see come to a close, I always hate for quality family time to end. We have learned to just love it! We have a big family reunion today so it will be great to show her off and see family that we don't get to see as often as we'd like.
I haven't been able to get too much work done this weekend but have managed to squeeze in a few articles. I worked my butt off on Wednesday so I was fortunately able to catch up a bit. Now it's time to pound the pavement again and hopefully get in more work. It never fails that I go through the crazy times where I don't even know what end is up to get all the work done.....and then I complete it all and have to yet again wonder where the next job will come from. It's the nature of the business and part of the highs and lows of being a mompreneur. Even on the craziest days, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I would sure still love to win that lottery, but until then............how can you not love being home everyday caring for this little face?!!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
It's the Most Stressful Time of the Year!!

I am stressed out! There's no two ways about it, I am just trying to figure out which end is up. I'm ahead of the game with Thanksgiving Day grocery shopping and Christmas cookie recipes...we even have our Christmas cards and just have to label and mail them. I'm just stressed trying to figure out how to write all the articles I need to write and then oh by the way get the house clean for company, take care of my poor sick baby, cook dinner, and somehow fit in a workout. (yeah right!)
I'm not unlike any other mom out there, everyone that I know is in overdrive. Part of it is the time of year and part of it is that we all bite off more than we can chew. We want to do the very best for our little one and ensure that they have fun things planned that will also help them to develop and grow. We also want to keep the home running smoothly, which is particularly important if you are home like me and feel a compelling need to be Betty Crocker and Mrs. Clean. Sometimes something has to give, plain and simple!!
I was in super overdrive today making up for lost time when I was sick. I have a ton of work to do but the most productive thing I did aside from writing ten articles was to spend some one-on-one face time laughing with Faith when she finally felt like herself before bed. In spite of all the deadlines, chaos, meals, and tasks, my sweet little daughter is what keeps me going. She's the light of my life and the whole reason that I got brave enough to try and start my very own business. Without her I would literally be nothing so she not only gives me purpose but that smile can turn my stress into a pile of "oh I'll do that later".
So it goes as the mompreneur, never enough time for anything but constantly remembering that our children are what we are home for. That's what the priority is and that's why we're home in the first place. So here's hoping for a great short work week and an amazing first Thanksgiving with Faith!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Stomach Flu is the Worst!
So it wasn't enough that I was worried about Faith having what seemed to be a sort of a stomach bug.....then I came down with it. I felt awful and couldn't sleep worrying about how I could take care of the baby when I woke up in the morning. My mom, the angel, was kind enough to lend a hand so I could get better. I couldn't even get out of bed because I felt so awful!! So the first stomach bug has officially hit our house. Not fun at all! I'm all for losing weight but not this way.
Faith is hopefully on the mend as I hope that I am as well. Poor Grandma needs to feel better too!! I got a ton of work done earlier in the week thankfully and need to get back into it as soon as I'm feeling up to it. I got two more jobs (hopefully long term) this week and now I need to get cracking.
Faith is hungry (thankfully) so I'll keep this short. May the stomach flu leave our home alone for a long time!!
Faith is hopefully on the mend as I hope that I am as well. Poor Grandma needs to feel better too!! I got a ton of work done earlier in the week thankfully and need to get back into it as soon as I'm feeling up to it. I got two more jobs (hopefully long term) this week and now I need to get cracking.
Faith is hungry (thankfully) so I'll keep this short. May the stomach flu leave our home alone for a long time!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Balancing The Time
Oh it's always such a bummer when the weekend comes to a close! I know that it's hard for all of us as we enjoy so much family together time and then before you know it, it's time for another work week where we're all separated again. It's a reality but it's still tough sometimes! Such is life I suppose.
So it's another Sunday afternoon and here I sit struggling with spending time with my family and getting work done. I've already written some articles and spent a few hours, but somehow it's never enough. The job of a mompreneur is never done, nor is the job of being a mom. Faith is back to not liking naps again, let's hope that's just a trait of a busy and fun filled weekend and not an indication of how the week will go!
I'm super excited for the holidays as they are so close and showing Faith all the excitement that comes along with this most wonderful time of year. It's actually snowing out right now and I know that my dear hubby is dying to get Faith out there as soon as possible when he can build a snowman with her. In due time! I'm hoping for a good writing week as I have some potential projects on the horizon and am always of course looking for more.
So as we enjoy our last few hours of the weekend let's hope for a good week ahead full of some amazing mommy time and the blessing of good work coming my way!
So it's another Sunday afternoon and here I sit struggling with spending time with my family and getting work done. I've already written some articles and spent a few hours, but somehow it's never enough. The job of a mompreneur is never done, nor is the job of being a mom. Faith is back to not liking naps again, let's hope that's just a trait of a busy and fun filled weekend and not an indication of how the week will go!
I'm super excited for the holidays as they are so close and showing Faith all the excitement that comes along with this most wonderful time of year. It's actually snowing out right now and I know that my dear hubby is dying to get Faith out there as soon as possible when he can build a snowman with her. In due time! I'm hoping for a good writing week as I have some potential projects on the horizon and am always of course looking for more.
So as we enjoy our last few hours of the weekend let's hope for a good week ahead full of some amazing mommy time and the blessing of good work coming my way!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Some Days Are Better Than Others
So my beautiful little girl isn't loving sleeping so much lately. That's right, this wonderful little baby who slept through the night at about four months has suddenly decided
that she wants to wake up every night around 1am, then up for the day around 6am, and that she really doesn't like to nap much at all. This has left me a little bewildered, most definitely stressed out, and on days when my dear mother isn't here with time to get very little done. It's not her fault, I'm sure it has to do with all the new skills that she's learned or possibly more teething. That's what the books say! I know it's part of the first year but man can it make for some frustrating days! I let it get to me yesterday but am working hard to keep myself in check today. Not worth it, she's just a baby and we are most definitely learning together. How can you get uspet when you look in these eyes anyhow?!

On the workfront, it's been a week of ups and downs. I started on an assignment that has the potential to be very long term, but I'm questioning if it's worth the time put into it. You have to walk a fine line in freelance writing of paying your dues and not spending too much time on assignments that aren't lucrative. I'm talking with a few other potential clients that could lead to long term but I never believe it until the money is in the Paypal account. As I've learned in the seven months that I've been at it, don't count on anything becuase it will likely change as quickly as it came to you. It's just the nature of the business!
I keep reminding myself that the holidays are literally right around the corner. It's amazing how you start measuring time by your kids. I look at Faith and think "is it really possible that we're about to celebrate your first Thanksgiving". I feel like she was just born yesterday and here we are just two weeks away from turkey day. That's the stuff that brings us joy and no matter how frustrating the day can get with work or lack of napping, that's the good stuff that it's all about!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Baby Loves Vacation....And So Does Mommy!
Oh vacation is so wonderful! That's what makes coming back from vacation so tough. It was so nice to have Jeff home with us for a bonus day this week and even nicer to get away overnight. It was nothing fancy, just a little visit to Frankenmuth but we loved it! Faith did a great job and we had so much fun taking in all of the touristy things to do in this little Michigan town. Since Jeff had never been there and I hadn't been in years it was a fun place to go, made even better with our little girl.
We even got some Christmas shopping done on the way home, and may have even got a few things for ourselves along the way. We had a blast...and then when it's over it's such a huge disappointment. We are however looking forward to much more family time with the holidays coming. We can't wait for baby's first Thanksgiving and of course Christmas! She brings so much joy and excitement to everything and we are soaking up every moment.
I made sure that I enjoyed every moment and didn't stress about being away from the computer for a day or two. I've picked back up and am in full gear, hoping for a profitable and productive week. If every month could be like October then I'd be a very happy mompreneur.
Here's to a great week and enjoying all the excitement that the holidays bring!
We even got some Christmas shopping done on the way home, and may have even got a few things for ourselves along the way. We had a blast...and then when it's over it's such a huge disappointment. We are however looking forward to much more family time with the holidays coming. We can't wait for baby's first Thanksgiving and of course Christmas! She brings so much joy and excitement to everything and we are soaking up every moment.
I made sure that I enjoyed every moment and didn't stress about being away from the computer for a day or two. I've picked back up and am in full gear, hoping for a profitable and productive week. If every month could be like October then I'd be a very happy mompreneur.
Here's to a great week and enjoying all the excitement that the holidays bring!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I'm a Mom, But I'm Human

Okay so we had a very frustrating morning. I may have had my own private mommy meltdown and let the frustration get the better of me. This doesn't happen often but when it does I feel just awful! I would never yell around the baby but I did get frustrated in my head and I felt like I had to keep apologizing to her. There was no nap time this morning and of course with the crawling and the constant chasing sometimes the frustration can get the better of you. So while I did have a moment of disarray, all I had to do was look in this big blue eyes and then I realized that I have no right or reason to be upset. So we're past that, live and learn, right?!
I am happy to say that I have a couple more jobs that came in and some that look downright promising. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but am all too happy to put it out of my head for a couple of days whiile we go on our first family vacation. The three of us are off to Frankenmuth for a little overnight trip. Nothing fancy and far from the trips we used to take, but nonetheless we are very excited to get away and have some time together. I can't wait!
Faith is now up from a short afternoon nap, but no frustration here. I'm grateful for what I have and sometimes you need a bit of perspective and a deep breath to realize that the frustration is not warranted at all. A family vacation is very much in order and I can't wait to report back on it.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I Voted....Now Where's My Freebie?

I never had to be encouraged to vote, I did it without question. I was even proactive enough to get an absentee ballot so that I wouldn't have to drag Faith along and wait in a line that would likely be crazy. So that being said when I heard that they were giving out free Starbucks just for voting.....well that just made my day as this is one of my addictions. I picked up my free Starbucks on the way home from class today and now I'm working off a fantastic caffeine high. Making my day even better was the fact that Christmas songs are now on the radio so all is right with the world. I even got to hear my favorite today and yes it is "the most wonderful time of the year".
Faith had a lovely visit with Ella and Auntie Sarah yesterday! What a lucky girl that she's already got a great group of friends at only nine months old. It was fun to see the girls play and to catch up with Sarah. Wow do we miss having her here! Faith is now pulling herself up in her crib and is standing there waiting for me when I go in to get her. She thinks it's funny when I let out a little gasp. Already such a big personality for such a little person!
On the work front, I'm hopefully just about to land a good writing job. I am going back and forth with the client but hoping that it turns into something. I also found out that I got another assignment that will require me to write three mornings a week. I know nothing about european sports but hey I'll learn as with everything else I write about!
So a good day so far indeed! Christmas songs, free Starbucks, voting, some fun moments with Faith, and hopefully landing another job. What else could a mompreneur ask for?!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
First Halloween and Promotion Pays Off

Faith had her first Halloween and in a word it was AWESOME!! I think that we may have enjoyed it a bit more than her, but it was so cool to experience this first holiday with her. She dressed up as a ladybug and in my humble opinion was the cutest I've ever seen. She was a good sport and kept her costume on never complaining in typical Faith fashion. We did take her around to a few of the neighbor's houses and that was fun to show her off. It was a good way to meet some of our neighbors too seeing as we've been in this house for six years now! Having a baby around makes you appreciate a holiday so much more--it's so much about her now and we get to really embrace each and every moment.
It was another great family weekend! I swear we make the most out of weekends now and as I've said before appreciate just spending time with each other. Faith makes us grateful for everything! I am also grateful as I found that I did get a new freelance job that I had to write an article for to kind of try out. I was one of the writers selected and hopefully the assignments will start coming soon. I guess that promoting myself is finally starting to pay off! I also got a GREAT review from a client I've been working with and that will serve me very well as every other client I bid on sees that. I think that some assignments come to us for a very distinct reason and this one has been full of great lessons and good work. Sure I'm still writing about model boats, but that's just money to go towards Christmas shopping.
I will keep this short as Sarah is coming to visit soon, it's always so awesome to have her in town from Atlanta. It's great to have the girls see each other as Ella is only five months older than Faith. I'm going to try to enjoy today rather than stress about time lost from writing. More soon of course!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Next Assignment
Okay so it hasn't been a stellar week in terms of work assignments, but I also think that I got spoiled. I have decided that writing 80-page ebooks is not my favorite, but man do those pay well! So I need to work with what I've got and continue to look for new work. It's tough, but so worth it when I land something.
I am still working on the model boat articles. I am happy for the work but my eyes are rolling back in my head from trying to come up with new topics on this hobby that I know nothing about. If nothing else it's good for a laugh here and there....that's usually me! I am also working to build up more of my own articles again little by little as I think that they help not only to earn me a little money but also to use as marketing tools for my freelance business.
Jeff and I had one of those weeks where we took a step back to see what we're truly grateful for. It's important to do that from time to time and we are very lucky. I know I say it all the time but I truly recognize it! Faith is the most importat thing in our life and the rest of the stuff always has a way of working out. So too is the case with my mompreneur venture and to be honest I have had some assignments come in but I'm trying to figure out the whole workload. I have to keep Faith as the top priority and the rest will fall into place.
Tomorrow is Halloween and we are very excited to get Faith into her costume again. She's just too cute and the costume fits her perfectly!! I will have to be sure to include a pic next time.
Okay off to write more on the wonderful world of model boats until the love bug wakes up from her nap!
I am still working on the model boat articles. I am happy for the work but my eyes are rolling back in my head from trying to come up with new topics on this hobby that I know nothing about. If nothing else it's good for a laugh here and there....that's usually me! I am also working to build up more of my own articles again little by little as I think that they help not only to earn me a little money but also to use as marketing tools for my freelance business.
Jeff and I had one of those weeks where we took a step back to see what we're truly grateful for. It's important to do that from time to time and we are very lucky. I know I say it all the time but I truly recognize it! Faith is the most importat thing in our life and the rest of the stuff always has a way of working out. So too is the case with my mompreneur venture and to be honest I have had some assignments come in but I'm trying to figure out the whole workload. I have to keep Faith as the top priority and the rest will fall into place.
Tomorrow is Halloween and we are very excited to get Faith into her costume again. She's just too cute and the costume fits her perfectly!! I will have to be sure to include a pic next time.
Okay off to write more on the wonderful world of model boats until the love bug wakes up from her nap!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Taking a Step Back
It's easy to get caught up in the work when you're trying to get a freelance business going. If I'm not on a deadline for turning something in, then I'm stressing about where my next assignment is coming from. I try hard to balance everything out and spend all the quality time possible with my daughter in a day, but I will admit sometimes I don't do a great job.
I decided today that I need to take a step back. That sometimes it's okay to relax for a day or two and take inventory. Not only that, but it's important to take the time to do something as simple as read to Faith. Surely something that goes by the wayside when I'm swamped with work stuff. Don't get me wrong, I always spend time with her and try to do fun things with her everyday. It is easy however to get her into a toy and write a quick article. I'm not proud of that, but it's a reality when you're trying to be an effective mom and mompreneur.
My most important role is mom, no doubt about it. To help me be home with her full time, I feel that bringing in something on a monthly basis helps our family. Sure I'm saving us money by being home and saving daycare costs, clothes, lunches out, etc. Most importantly I'm home with her, so I'm learning the whole balance thing each and everyday. So I am going to work hard at taking a step back! I will take some assignments but won't get down on myself if I have an unproductive day here or there. Sometimes the worst pressure is the one we put on ourselves.
I decided today that I need to take a step back. That sometimes it's okay to relax for a day or two and take inventory. Not only that, but it's important to take the time to do something as simple as read to Faith. Surely something that goes by the wayside when I'm swamped with work stuff. Don't get me wrong, I always spend time with her and try to do fun things with her everyday. It is easy however to get her into a toy and write a quick article. I'm not proud of that, but it's a reality when you're trying to be an effective mom and mompreneur.
My most important role is mom, no doubt about it. To help me be home with her full time, I feel that bringing in something on a monthly basis helps our family. Sure I'm saving us money by being home and saving daycare costs, clothes, lunches out, etc. Most importantly I'm home with her, so I'm learning the whole balance thing each and everyday. So I am going to work hard at taking a step back! I will take some assignments but won't get down on myself if I have an unproductive day here or there. Sometimes the worst pressure is the one we put on ourselves.
Monday, October 27, 2008
I Think I Can...I Think I Can
I am not the world's most positive person! I try to be optimistic but then something comes along that shakes me up and it's back to being Debbie Downer. I admit it and recognize it as one of my character flaws. It's one of the many reasons why I'm such a worrier and explains why I try hard not to set myself up for disappointment. It's pretty hard to have an attitude like this and work to start your own freelance business!
The disappointment factor is always there so you better be prepared that it can hit you at any moment. I've been lucky that I've always found new avenues of work when others fell through, but there are days that it can just get to me. Today was one such day where I was sure that I had a project in the bag and then it felt as if it was snapped out from under me. Is this a reason to get down and feel frustrated? To some maybe not, but to me it's hard not to give into it. I am trying to turn this energy around into an appreciation for the good things and less of a focus on the negative. It's hard but I'm a work in progress--aren't we all?!
I also find that it's pretty hard to stay down or upset when I look at Faith. I see her crawling around and ranting something in her own baby language and it immediately puts a smile on my face. That's another reason why being home with her is amazing, she can turn a bad mood into a good one instantly! So yes even those who feel lucky all the time do get down from time to time--we are human after all! Let's just hope it was one of those days and that I'll be back in the game tomorrow.
The disappointment factor is always there so you better be prepared that it can hit you at any moment. I've been lucky that I've always found new avenues of work when others fell through, but there are days that it can just get to me. Today was one such day where I was sure that I had a project in the bag and then it felt as if it was snapped out from under me. Is this a reason to get down and feel frustrated? To some maybe not, but to me it's hard not to give into it. I am trying to turn this energy around into an appreciation for the good things and less of a focus on the negative. It's hard but I'm a work in progress--aren't we all?!
I also find that it's pretty hard to stay down or upset when I look at Faith. I see her crawling around and ranting something in her own baby language and it immediately puts a smile on my face. That's another reason why being home with her is amazing, she can turn a bad mood into a good one instantly! So yes even those who feel lucky all the time do get down from time to time--we are human after all! Let's just hope it was one of those days and that I'll be back in the game tomorrow.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Family Fun Time
I never realized how much I would enjoy time with each other before we had Faith. I thought I looked forward to the weekends before, but now that time is just so precious. I'm fortunate enough to be able to spend almost every waking moment with my little angel, but having daddy in the mix makes it so much more special. We had the best time today just running around and enjoying family fun time. A trip to Kohl's was never so much fun before!
I have given up all dignity as I walk through stores as my entire focus is on this precious little baby girl. It's so funny as I don't even realize that I'm singing out loud to her until I get a strange look from a stranger in the same aisle we're in. Today Jeff could hear Faith from across the store as she shouted in glee as she tried to grab things off the shelves. Such cute innocence!
We just enjoy being a family and doing the simplest things together. Meals are fun, spending time together on a Saturday morning (even if it is at 7am!) is so enjoyable, and the nights in are so appreciated and anticipated. Sure mommy and daddy still enjoy a date night or some drinks with friends, but the priorities change and spending time with this little girl and each other is something we look forward to more than we could have imagined.
I am happy to report that I have some work waiting for me tomorrow morning. Thanks to nana being here to take care of Faith, I will be cranking out articles on model boat building. Yes that's right, I said it--model boat building. Do I know anything about this subject? Not at all! However this is what makes freelance writing so much fun! So unfortunately another weekend of family fun time is over but another week will begin and hopefully it will be a good one for all.
I have given up all dignity as I walk through stores as my entire focus is on this precious little baby girl. It's so funny as I don't even realize that I'm singing out loud to her until I get a strange look from a stranger in the same aisle we're in. Today Jeff could hear Faith from across the store as she shouted in glee as she tried to grab things off the shelves. Such cute innocence!
We just enjoy being a family and doing the simplest things together. Meals are fun, spending time together on a Saturday morning (even if it is at 7am!) is so enjoyable, and the nights in are so appreciated and anticipated. Sure mommy and daddy still enjoy a date night or some drinks with friends, but the priorities change and spending time with this little girl and each other is something we look forward to more than we could have imagined.
I am happy to report that I have some work waiting for me tomorrow morning. Thanks to nana being here to take care of Faith, I will be cranking out articles on model boat building. Yes that's right, I said it--model boat building. Do I know anything about this subject? Not at all! However this is what makes freelance writing so much fun! So unfortunately another weekend of family fun time is over but another week will begin and hopefully it will be a good one for all.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Lucky Girl
I am a lucky girl! I say this all the time, but I really am! I'm lucky to have my baby girl, lucky to have a wonderful husband, lucky to have a great mom who helps all the time, I'm just lucky! I don't always see it all the time and honestly lose sight of that quite often, but I know it in my heart. There are areas of my life that I struggle with and always will, but every time I look at my baby I count my blessings. I really have to remind myself of how fortunate I am when I get frustrated with my freelance career.
It's tough sometimes--tough to find work, tough to stay focused, tough to get things on deadline when there is a little one crawling around the house. However I think of the alternative of being away from her and as my stomach gets sick to that, I realize that these are little things that I need not let overtake my day. Sometimes easier said than done! I try to get one errand or thing accomplished a day that gives my daughter and I a diversion, and then spend as much time with her while cranking out articles, ebooks, web content, or whatever job I happen to have in front of me that day. So far it works well and we are now nine months into it, let's hope it continues!
I think that the difference between a mompreneur like me and a stay at home mom is the work balance. I may not have the cleanest house in the universe, but I feel a compelling need to write whenever Faith is down for a nap. Both types of moms cram as much as they can into a day, it's just a difference of what those tasks are. Would I love to strip the beds and clean the bathrooms during nap time? Sure, it would mean less for me to do on the weekends or when my mom is here! However since this career is on me to develop and me alone, I need to spend any free time I have either writing or marketing myself. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it! I also have this pressure on myself to be sure that I always have dinner on the table for my husband and that the house is picked up. He's never made me feel this way, it's just something that I do to myself. It works!
So no matter how crazy the day gets or how many items there are on the to do list, I always remind myself that I am a lucky girl!
It's tough sometimes--tough to find work, tough to stay focused, tough to get things on deadline when there is a little one crawling around the house. However I think of the alternative of being away from her and as my stomach gets sick to that, I realize that these are little things that I need not let overtake my day. Sometimes easier said than done! I try to get one errand or thing accomplished a day that gives my daughter and I a diversion, and then spend as much time with her while cranking out articles, ebooks, web content, or whatever job I happen to have in front of me that day. So far it works well and we are now nine months into it, let's hope it continues!
I think that the difference between a mompreneur like me and a stay at home mom is the work balance. I may not have the cleanest house in the universe, but I feel a compelling need to write whenever Faith is down for a nap. Both types of moms cram as much as they can into a day, it's just a difference of what those tasks are. Would I love to strip the beds and clean the bathrooms during nap time? Sure, it would mean less for me to do on the weekends or when my mom is here! However since this career is on me to develop and me alone, I need to spend any free time I have either writing or marketing myself. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it! I also have this pressure on myself to be sure that I always have dinner on the table for my husband and that the house is picked up. He's never made me feel this way, it's just something that I do to myself. It works!
So no matter how crazy the day gets or how many items there are on the to do list, I always remind myself that I am a lucky girl!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Another Day Another Dollar
I swear that the world of freelance writing is a constant roller coaster of highs and lows. So the good news is that I finally got paid for my outstanding jobs--yeah! The not so great news it that I'm in a holding pattern for some of my new jobs that looked so promising. I swore to myself that I would try to be positive this week and keep reminding myself how lucky I am rather than play the "poor me" game.
Looking at Faith crawl quickly across the floor is always a great motivation to smile. I can hardly believe that my little baby girl is going to be nine months tomorrow! I feel like it was just yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital. Sure it's cliche and you hear everybody say that, but seriously where does the time go?
It's amazing at how much my life has changed and how happy I am with it! I went from being a cog in the corporate community and lunches out all the time to being my own boss and taking more joy in sharing lunch with my baby than anything else in the world. I always tell her that she is my favorite person to hang out with in the whole world--this along with everything these days seems to make her laugh.
She did have a drama queen moment today when she got her first installment of her flu shot. We're hoping that this won't be as bad as her regular immunizations--mommy and Faith have a full week of playdates and activities. Not to mention mommy needs to drum up some more work!
So another day, fortunately another dollar. Next time I hope to report that I have landed some very promising long term assignments.
Looking at Faith crawl quickly across the floor is always a great motivation to smile. I can hardly believe that my little baby girl is going to be nine months tomorrow! I feel like it was just yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital. Sure it's cliche and you hear everybody say that, but seriously where does the time go?
It's amazing at how much my life has changed and how happy I am with it! I went from being a cog in the corporate community and lunches out all the time to being my own boss and taking more joy in sharing lunch with my baby than anything else in the world. I always tell her that she is my favorite person to hang out with in the whole world--this along with everything these days seems to make her laugh.
She did have a drama queen moment today when she got her first installment of her flu shot. We're hoping that this won't be as bad as her regular immunizations--mommy and Faith have a full week of playdates and activities. Not to mention mommy needs to drum up some more work!
So another day, fortunately another dollar. Next time I hope to report that I have landed some very promising long term assignments.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Being Grateful

I stand corrected and I will admit when I'm wrong! On Friday I was just down in the dumps and feeling pretty bad about myself. I wasn't getting any response on my work and was feeling like I would never be able to land a new client. It was just one of those days that I was feeling down and out! Then Saturday came and it was a new point of view. I have decided that I need to not always let my fear, worry, or initial knee jerk reaction dictate my day or state of being. Sometimes you feel down but it always turns around. I luckily heard back from my clients, got paid, and am hopeful about new work coming in. A much better way to be and more pleasant to everyone around me!
We had a wonderful weekend! Our first pumpkin patch and apple orchard with Faith. Yes they are the cliche fall things to do in Michigan, but we loved them. As I was telling Jeff last night, you tend to appreciate all of the little things so much more when you're doing them with children. I loved seeing her reaction to being in the apples with her little friends. She is just such a joy! I am the luckiest mommy in the world! I love our parenting group too, it's nice to have other moms and dads to talk through all the milestones with.
So it's a new week and a new attitude for this mommy! I am hopeful, grateful, and just generally happy to be home with my baby girl. Let's hope I can keep this frame of mind!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Rough Days
My hope with this blog is always to provide an honest view of things, particularly my feelings. I love being home with my baby, I never thought that this would be possible but here I am with her chattering away next to me. I love that I get to bring in some income while here with her. Sure there are days that are a bit crazy, no doubt about it! Being home with her far outweighs any stress or anxiety that I may feel. You guessed it, there's a BUT coming up.
Finding freelance work goes through phases. Sometimes I have more work than I know what to do with. Then the flip side is days like today where most of my projects have drawn to a close and now I sit in frantic state trying to figure out what next. It's scary because I know that I need to get something going, but you always wonder where it will come from. I've exhausted all of my current options and now I need to somehow get creative. Let's just say that I'm not feeling like the world's most successful mompreneur today.
I feel in a constant balance between giving her enough time and attention and ensuring that I do my part to be a mompreneur. Obviously being successful as a mommy is the most important thing to me, but I want to also be an example to her. I want her to know that mommy kept it all going by working her butt off not only to take care of her, but also to keep some sort of a career going on the side.
This is going to be one of those days that I feel unmotivated, defeated, and just down. I pick her up and give her a hug which usually makes it better. I just have this nagging within me that I'm not going to make this all work. Let's hope that goes away as the day moves on!
Finding freelance work goes through phases. Sometimes I have more work than I know what to do with. Then the flip side is days like today where most of my projects have drawn to a close and now I sit in frantic state trying to figure out what next. It's scary because I know that I need to get something going, but you always wonder where it will come from. I've exhausted all of my current options and now I need to somehow get creative. Let's just say that I'm not feeling like the world's most successful mompreneur today.
I feel in a constant balance between giving her enough time and attention and ensuring that I do my part to be a mompreneur. Obviously being successful as a mommy is the most important thing to me, but I want to also be an example to her. I want her to know that mommy kept it all going by working her butt off not only to take care of her, but also to keep some sort of a career going on the side.
This is going to be one of those days that I feel unmotivated, defeated, and just down. I pick her up and give her a hug which usually makes it better. I just have this nagging within me that I'm not going to make this all work. Let's hope that goes away as the day moves on!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Getting Started
Let me introduce myself, my name is Mary and I am a mommy to my beautiful baby girl, Faith. Faith is almost nine months old and I have the priviledge of being home with her full time--the best blessings I have ever received in my life! I am very lucky and I know it.
Call it my desire to contribute financially to our household or my drive to keep my business sense about me, but I have been working hard to keep a career going from home on my terms. I've been lucky enough to find some great freelance writing and marketing consulting work. I just need to keep it going and that's the hard part.
I love what I do and there is nothing else I can see myself doing. I consider myself a fairly successful mompreneur, but I have never been one to sit back and relax. So here I sit figuring out my next avenue to keep the work coming in. I've been wanting to start a blog for awhile so here I am using this as an avenue to keep my thoughts in front of me and hope that this eventually turns into a platform for me to showcase all of my work.
This is kind of fun, I love writing out my thoughts and I think it will work for me in the long run. Faith is crawling around my feet and as I look at her adorable little face, I ponder what to target next to keep the work coming.
Another day, hopefully tomorrow will be a more fruitful day!
Call it my desire to contribute financially to our household or my drive to keep my business sense about me, but I have been working hard to keep a career going from home on my terms. I've been lucky enough to find some great freelance writing and marketing consulting work. I just need to keep it going and that's the hard part.
I love what I do and there is nothing else I can see myself doing. I consider myself a fairly successful mompreneur, but I have never been one to sit back and relax. So here I sit figuring out my next avenue to keep the work coming in. I've been wanting to start a blog for awhile so here I am using this as an avenue to keep my thoughts in front of me and hope that this eventually turns into a platform for me to showcase all of my work.
This is kind of fun, I love writing out my thoughts and I think it will work for me in the long run. Faith is crawling around my feet and as I look at her adorable little face, I ponder what to target next to keep the work coming.
Another day, hopefully tomorrow will be a more fruitful day!
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