Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Riding the High and Low Cycle

So last week at this time I was completely panicked! In a tissy wondering how I could possibly get all my work done and on top of that get the house and the food ready for Thanksgiving. I had more articles than one could possibly write in a week and had my stomach in knots worrying about it. Fast forward to this week..........all is sure quiet on the homefront!

For whatever reason I only have one real job to focus on and of course it's an awful one. I've learned that when something sounds like fun to write about, it's really not! Hey it's money but I'm still frustrated that I only have one job. I've bid on several but am in the dreaded waiting period. I hate that! I tend to work well under pressure and when that pressure is purely focused on how the heck I will generate more work, I don't do so well with that.

I'm taking this as a sign though, showing that I need to just enjoy a day or two here and there to just be with Faith. Not to be so focused and stressed out about how I will get work or how I will get it all done, but rather to focus on the whole reason I am lucky enough to be at home. I feel like I give her plenty of attention but sometimes it's easy to take it for granted or not realize just how very lucky I am when I'm focused on the balancing act and how to accomplish all the work I need to get done in a short time period.

It somehow all works out! My dear husband is always telling me that "we'll get it all to work out somehow". I am always skeptical at the time but then I realize later on that he is just so right. I knew I wanted to be home with my daughter and didn't quite know how I would manage it, but here I am 10 months later and still luckily home with her. Thank God! I am the luckiest woman and mommy in the world and it's at times like this that I must remember that.

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