I stand corrected and I will admit when I'm wrong! On Friday I was just down in the dumps and feeling pretty bad about myself. I wasn't getting any response on my work and was feeling like I would never be able to land a new client. It was just one of those days that I was feeling down and out! Then Saturday came and it was a new point of view. I have decided that I need to not always let my fear, worry, or initial knee jerk reaction dictate my day or state of being. Sometimes you feel down but it always turns around. I luckily heard back from my clients, got paid, and am hopeful about new work coming in. A much better way to be and more pleasant to everyone around me!
We had a wonderful weekend! Our first pumpkin patch and apple orchard with Faith. Yes they are the cliche fall things to do in Michigan, but we loved them. As I was telling Jeff last night, you tend to appreciate all of the little things so much more when you're doing them with children. I loved seeing her reaction to being in the apples with her little friends. She is just such a joy! I am the luckiest mommy in the world! I love our parenting group too, it's nice to have other moms and dads to talk through all the milestones with.
So it's a new week and a new attitude for this mommy! I am hopeful, grateful, and just generally happy to be home with my baby girl. Let's hope I can keep this frame of mind!
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