I never had to be encouraged to vote, I did it without question. I was even proactive enough to get an absentee ballot so that I wouldn't have to drag Faith along and wait in a line that would likely be crazy. So that being said when I heard that they were giving out free Starbucks just for voting.....well that just made my day as this is one of my addictions. I picked up my free Starbucks on the way home from class today and now I'm working off a fantastic caffeine high. Making my day even better was the fact that Christmas songs are now on the radio so all is right with the world. I even got to hear my favorite today and yes it is "the most wonderful time of the year".
Faith had a lovely visit with Ella and Auntie Sarah yesterday! What a lucky girl that she's already got a great group of friends at only nine months old. It was fun to see the girls play and to catch up with Sarah. Wow do we miss having her here! Faith is now pulling herself up in her crib and is standing there waiting for me when I go in to get her. She thinks it's funny when I let out a little gasp. Already such a big personality for such a little person!
On the work front, I'm hopefully just about to land a good writing job. I am going back and forth with the client but hoping that it turns into something. I also found out that I got another assignment that will require me to write three mornings a week. I know nothing about european sports but hey I'll learn as with everything else I write about!
So a good day so far indeed! Christmas songs, free Starbucks, voting, some fun moments with Faith, and hopefully landing another job. What else could a mompreneur ask for?!!
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