Friday, October 17, 2008

Rough Days

My hope with this blog is always to provide an honest view of things, particularly my feelings. I love being home with my baby, I never thought that this would be possible but here I am with her chattering away next to me. I love that I get to bring in some income while here with her. Sure there are days that are a bit crazy, no doubt about it! Being home with her far outweighs any stress or anxiety that I may feel. You guessed it, there's a BUT coming up.

Finding freelance work goes through phases. Sometimes I have more work than I know what to do with. Then the flip side is days like today where most of my projects have drawn to a close and now I sit in frantic state trying to figure out what next. It's scary because I know that I need to get something going, but you always wonder where it will come from. I've exhausted all of my current options and now I need to somehow get creative. Let's just say that I'm not feeling like the world's most successful mompreneur today.

I feel in a constant balance between giving her enough time and attention and ensuring that I do my part to be a mompreneur. Obviously being successful as a mommy is the most important thing to me, but I want to also be an example to her. I want her to know that mommy kept it all going by working her butt off not only to take care of her, but also to keep some sort of a career going on the side.

This is going to be one of those days that I feel unmotivated, defeated, and just down. I pick her up and give her a hug which usually makes it better. I just have this nagging within me that I'm not going to make this all work. Let's hope that goes away as the day moves on!

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