Friday, October 24, 2008

Lucky Girl

I am a lucky girl! I say this all the time, but I really am! I'm lucky to have my baby girl, lucky to have a wonderful husband, lucky to have a great mom who helps all the time, I'm just lucky! I don't always see it all the time and honestly lose sight of that quite often, but I know it in my heart. There are areas of my life that I struggle with and always will, but every time I look at my baby I count my blessings. I really have to remind myself of how fortunate I am when I get frustrated with my freelance career.

It's tough sometimes--tough to find work, tough to stay focused, tough to get things on deadline when there is a little one crawling around the house. However I think of the alternative of being away from her and as my stomach gets sick to that, I realize that these are little things that I need not let overtake my day. Sometimes easier said than done! I try to get one errand or thing accomplished a day that gives my daughter and I a diversion, and then spend as much time with her while cranking out articles, ebooks, web content, or whatever job I happen to have in front of me that day. So far it works well and we are now nine months into it, let's hope it continues!

I think that the difference between a mompreneur like me and a stay at home mom is the work balance. I may not have the cleanest house in the universe, but I feel a compelling need to write whenever Faith is down for a nap. Both types of moms cram as much as they can into a day, it's just a difference of what those tasks are. Would I love to strip the beds and clean the bathrooms during nap time? Sure, it would mean less for me to do on the weekends or when my mom is here! However since this career is on me to develop and me alone, I need to spend any free time I have either writing or marketing myself. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it! I also have this pressure on myself to be sure that I always have dinner on the table for my husband and that the house is picked up. He's never made me feel this way, it's just something that I do to myself. It works!

So no matter how crazy the day gets or how many items there are on the to do list, I always remind myself that I am a lucky girl!

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