Okay so we had a very frustrating morning. I may have had my own private mommy meltdown and let the frustration get the better of me. This doesn't happen often but when it does I feel just awful! I would never yell around the baby but I did get frustrated in my head and I felt like I had to keep apologizing to her. There was no nap time this morning and of course with the crawling and the constant chasing sometimes the frustration can get the better of you. So while I did have a moment of disarray, all I had to do was look in this big blue eyes and then I realized that I have no right or reason to be upset. So we're past that, live and learn, right?!
I am happy to say that I have a couple more jobs that came in and some that look downright promising. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but am all too happy to put it out of my head for a couple of days whiile we go on our first family vacation. The three of us are off to Frankenmuth for a little overnight trip. Nothing fancy and far from the trips we used to take, but nonetheless we are very excited to get away and have some time together. I can't wait!
Faith is now up from a short afternoon nap, but no frustration here. I'm grateful for what I have and sometimes you need a bit of perspective and a deep breath to realize that the frustration is not warranted at all. A family vacation is very much in order and I can't wait to report back on it.
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