It's been a ROUGH week, there's no other way to put it. As the week started out it was evident that it was going to be a challenging one and it hasn't really let up ever since. Faith has roseola which means a rash all over her body. Seems to bother me more than her, but still nothing that I would wish on my poor little girl. We started off with her sleeping on me all one night, and it's just gone from there. Fortunately she seemed fine early on in the week and we had our parenting group over, and that was as much fun for the adults as it was for the kids in their costumes.
I've been working hard as usual, trying to make a dent in the freelance world and in the finances. The dear hubby continues to work tirelessly to find something, anything that will get him back into the working world. I won't lie...when we hear about new people finding opportunities all the time, we are happy for them but still wondering why it hasn't happened here yet. We keep hoping and praying that somehow something will come our way....but nothing so far. We feel somehow positive today, no real explanation for it but we're doing our part to keep a smile on our face. Faith deserves that, and after the week that we've had and a rushed trip to the pediatrician's night owl clinic upon discovery of the said rash, we need to keep everyone's spirits up.
As I sit here and contemplate where the next batch of work will come from and how I will sustain this level of activity, I am grateful. Never would I have imagined a year ago that I would have this level of activity through my freelance work. Thank God that I have it, and that I've really made a go of my freelance career. I can only hope that I can keep it going as I move forward, for now as we need the money and moving forward as I want to really make something out of myself. I want to look at my efforts and be proud of the work I've done, and hope that I can serve as a positive role model to my daughter (and hopefully future children) to prove that you CAN do it and that you CAN have it all! So hoping and praying for GOOD THINGS and in the meantime, just trying hard to smile!
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