I feel hopeful. I feel joyful. I feel blessed. Not the usual way that I've started out my postings lately, but somehow I feel compelled to share that. I had to take a break from my writing assignments to share my very real sentiments in my ongoing online journal. I feel that somehow putting it out there like that seems to just make it real, make it somehow count for something. I am hopeful that these GOOD THINGS that I constantly speak of are just around the corner. Based on what? Nothing really, to be honest not much is putting me in that frame of mind but nonetheless I'm feeling it.
Perhaps it's because Faith is just so stinking cute right now. Her ability to pick up just about everything we say these days is so much fun. I'm just loving hearing her speak so much, say so many new words each and everyday. She's even answering our questions with a "yeah" or a "no" if she doesn't like something. It's pure joy, and such a blissful and fulfilling stage of motherhood. Everytime I think I have it all figured out, this whole motherhood journey, then something else comes along and brings me a pleasant little surprise. I can't wait to share all of the upcoming holidays with her and see what excitement and joy it brings. I am hopeful and blessed.
I have consistent work, and I feel good about that. While I am always a bit skeptical and anxious, I am somehow compelled to feel that I'm doing okay. I keep plugging along, getting work here and there and somehow keeping up. I still worry about making deadlines or getting good reviews, but I feel quite proud of the work and success that I've accomplished in my efforts and hard work. There's a reason that I was brought to this profession, and I am actually making it work. I feel good about that!
I feel like something good, or really great is going to happen for my husband and for our family. I don't know when, though I hope it is soon. I feel like it's our turn, like good things must be coming our way. We are so truly blessed in so many ways, and all I can hope is that these feelings of gratitude and happiness can sustain and turn into something truly wonderful and fulfilling for my husband and for our whole family. So with that, I will do my best to keep this positivity going strong!
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