It occurred to me as I saw that big beautiful smile on her face while she "raced" down the slide at the park, that parenthood is about the simple things. Never before would I have ever thought I'd get so much joy being at a park or going for a long walk. Watching Faith grow more everyday and getting a larger than life personality, I find that the little things bring me so much joy. We had an AWESOME weekend, just being together as a family. We took some long walks, went to the park and just revelled at watching her be a toddler. Oh and yes, I have finally accepted that she is no longer my baby anymore.....I truly have a toddler on my hands.
I watch her walk everywhere, picking things up, carrying them with her, laughing all the while. When did this happen? When did I go from being a new mom to a bouncing baby girl to having this beautiful little girl on my hands? Wow, it's true that time really does fly and I am loving every minute of it! She was all about daddy this weekend too, which brought my husband great joy. We couldn't help but laugh as she took off over and over again at Church yesterday. Buckle up, we are in for quite a ride--so fun!!
I'm working on that big project right now too. As is typical in Mary fashion, I am sure that I will never finish it. I don't know how in the world I will get all of this writing done within 9 days but I'm sure going to try. I keep my eye on the prize and remember what I'm doing it all for. But man it's hard sometimes, there are days that I would much rather play outside with her or sink into the couch with my favorite reality show to keep me company. I have to remind myself at that precise moment just how lucky I am to be home with her and running my own show, and then I move onto the next part. It will all pay off, the hard work is totally worth it! I swear, I've mastered the fine art of having conversations with myself!!
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