So it's now officially the week of our first big trip away from Faith. Though I am really excited to get away with my dear husband and spend some time as adults hopefully basking in the sun with a little umbrella drink in hand, I am seriously nervous to leave Faith. Not because I have anything but the utmost confidence that my mom will take the best care of her second to me, but because I hate leaving her. As I am blessed to be with her all day every day, I have never been away from her for more than overnight. This is going to be hard! I'm super nervous and worried that she will think that I abandoned her. I know, I know, it's crazy and perhaps even a bit silly to feel that she understands that much but I certainly think that she'll notice I'm not here. I'm going to miss that little laugh and sweet little face and yes, even her throwing her sippie. This little girl has become so ingrained into every aspect of my being that I can't imagine how I will do without her next to me or pulling at my leg every day. So I'm going to spend as much quality time with her as possible before I leave and hope that all goes well here on the homefront and with our travels. I'm going to try to enjoy the time away and come home refreshed and even more appreciative (if that's possible) of the fact that I am home with her everyday. I know how lucky I am but sometimes a little time away can make you realize just how lucky you truly are!! I will miss Faith, my mom, and McGwire like crazy and am hoping and praying that all goes well with things here and with our travels. I can't wait for that big hug and smile when I return!!
I also find that it's becoming harder to leave the work for a couple of days. Last time I went away for the weekend with the family, I ended up missing out on a potential job. I hate to have to stay connected all the time, but am wondering if that may be where I'm at with things. We'll see what happens on this trip but all I can do is work my butt off on things before I leave and then hope that everything stays status quo until I return. Wow, when did a vacation away for a few days turn into so much work?!!!
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