So we all have bad days and I as you know tend to succumb to the "mommy meltdowns" from time to time. I'm not proud of them but I'm human and sometimes I take a step back and realize that I am surely balancing a lot on my plate. I LOVE every minute of it and can't imagine my life any different and pray that I never have to, but some days can be hectic to say the least. I can get especially frantic at either end of the business cycle--when I'm working hard to bring in new projects and clients, or when I'm up against a deadline. It's enough to frazzle anyone sometimes, but WELL worth it!!
Just about the time that I get so frustrated and feel like I can't do it, I look into those big blue eyes. I then get the power to know that I CAN and WILL do this because in the end it's all for her. All of my fears and frustrations and stress is manageable because it means I get to be home with her. Seeing her smile and say new "words" and hopefully to see her take her first steps, I am here with her so it's worth the sometimes struggle. Thank God for perspective and my ability to gain some when I need it because she is worth every second of it! Thank God too that I have such an amazing support system with my fantastic husband, amazing mom, and family and friends that make my life so wonderful. I can do this--I WILL get new work, I will stay positive, and it will all work out. That's what I mutter over and over, along with a lot of prayer. I swear that God is sick of hearing from me sometimes!!
So onto another weekend that will hopefully entail a lot of family fun time!! 4 weeks until our first trip away from the little darling and though I'm excited, I am very nervous to leave her. I've never been away from her for more than one night so this will be challenging to say the least. I love her so much and every day I get to be a mom to this amazing little being is such a blessing! Okay so there's my positive attitude for the day and now it's time to start the weekend off on the right foot. Yeah for Fridays!!
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