Monday, March 2, 2009

First for Everything

We're coming off yet another great weekend in the Frederick house! It was a perfect blend of fun and family bonding time--and these are the weekends that are always hard to see end. It seems that Sunday night comes too soon and Faith (and I of course) hate to see Daddy go back to work for another week. Though at the same time SO VERY thankful that Daddy has a job to go back to, so in the end it all works out! Faith seemed especially happy this weekend which is so rewarding and fun! Though she has clapped before, this is the first weekend that she really started clapping with meaning and knowing what she was doing. I will say that now we're yelling with glee "YEAH!!" and clapping our hands together about every twenty minutes, but such is the joy of parenthood. She is saying words, many of which are unrecognizable but still trying very hard to get her point across. She is just a blast right now and truly makes parenthood the most amazing adventure ever! Very very close to walking and sporadically breaking into 2-3 steps here and there, but not quite there yet.

Then we move onto my "fun filled, never a dull moment, love it one day and eternally frustated the next, making good money but feel like I'm jumping through constant hoops" business. Oh yeah it's all of that and more! I LOVE what I do so I try very hard to focus on all the good and not get bogged down with the bad. However there are days such as today where I can easily lose sight of it. When I have the client that says "oh I wanted you to write it THIS way and not THAT, but I guess I didn't mention that up front"......oh it makes me question if it's worth the money in that instance. It's all good and I'm grateful for all of the clients, but as with any business, you can really wonder how much your time is worth sometimes. I especially love the clients who readily admit that they don't know how to write, but they are usually the ones that have the most "helpful hints" to offer up. All of it is great experience but hey I'm just trying to keep it real here. So for now, let's hope for more "hands off" clients and that the work keeps rolling in. And as it's Monday we look forward to all the fun planned for the week ahead, and there's always some of that to be had!!

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