Okay so yesterday was not my proudest moment of my freelance career. I think that I handled it well for me, didn't really get too angry and not even that many tears......so that's not bad in Mary world! I had my first negative interaction with a client and it ended with the client cancelling the project. I felt really stupid but in the end it all worked out! It was clearly a mismatch and nothing more and both of us walked away on good terms. So I suppose that I should consider myself lucky that this is the first time it's happened and pray that I can just write it off as a learning experience. Other than that, praying that more work comes in as I've had such a good run and now I need more to come my way. It always works out somehow so I'm trying not to stress too much!
Faith still isn't walking but is getting dangerously close. She's talking up a storm and really trying to do things, I notice that more and more everyday. She's trying to brush her hair, she was doing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" in her own way in class today--I truly have a toddler on my hands now. It's amazing and scary all at the same time. Is this really my baby that is already 14 months old?! I had heard so many times how fast it goes and I'll admit that I kind of brushed this off as cliche. It's so true! I feel like it was just yesterday that she was born and in the blink of an eye here she is my little side kick. Everything is so much more fun and enjoyable when she's a part of it. I will hate to leave her when we go on our trip in a couple of weeks but I know that Grandma will take great care of her.
So yes the career aspect may be in a bit of a stall mode right now, but Faith is ALWAYS my little silver lining. How can I not look at life in general more positively when I've got her at my side?!! I am a very lucky woman and trying everyday to remember that no matter how crazy things get!