It's human nature to complain I suppose. Though I never used to think of myself as a complainer, I fear that with age has come the inherent ability to complain. We can all find something if we really try, complain about our weight or the traffic or the fact that there's not enough time in the day. But really are these legitimate things to complain about? Sure they may seem like a big deal at the time, but the reality is that there are much bigger problems in life than the few sited. Still I've caught myself complaining and worked hard to get better as it. As a matter of fact one of the very things that I plan on focusing on throughout Lent is how to be a more positive and grateful person.
I mean really, I've had some setbacks and lived through some real legitimate problems but all in all I'm a pretty lucky girl. I'm lucky to be a mom to a fantastic and amazing baby girl who lights up my life everyday. I'm lucky to be at home with her AND to be running a business doing something that I really love--this is truly my lifelong dream that I hope to live out for years and years to come. I'm lucky to be married to a wonderful man who is my best friend and who happens to be an amazing father, who is also quite supportive of my business and all the work it takes sometimes. I'm lucky to have such a supportive and inspirational mother who is there for me and my family no matter what and who loves me and motivates me to be a better person everyday. I am lucky to have such an awesome family, for which I just came back from a wonderful weekend away realizing just how much I love them and generally enjoy spending time with them. I'm lucky for fabulous friends, good health, our house, of course our dog McGwire, and the list goes on and on.
This really needs to serve as my post to look back on when I'm having a good week because I am truly lucky. I am guilty just like everyone else of complaining and forgetting about all the things I'm lucky for, but when I stop to think about it I am truly blessed. I hope and pray that I can continue to live this dream of mine being home as a mother while also keeping a legitimate and (hopefully) successful business going for myself and my family. I am super busy right now so of course it's quite easy to focus on the good things and be positive, so hopefully with my new vow I will also get better about this when times are tough or when I'm struggling to find work or figure out a new way to feed Faith or cure a cold. So here I am feeling grateful, trying to ignore the nagging worry that I encounter all too often that tells me "everything is good, so now what will go wrong?" and instead focus on "I'm a hell of a lucky girl"!! So for now no complaints and good thoughts!
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