I feel as though I learn something new everyday, both as a mother and a mompreneur. I've learned so much through Faith and am slowly developing into a mom that feels like she knows what she's doing. Surely that will change once the next phase hits, but I'm enjoying it as I go along. I've learned how to handle teething, what to feed my little girl to get her to eat, how to get her to take a good nap, and so on. However I still have a lot to learn and I am seriously learning something new everyday. I'm also quite lucky that I have such a great support system of family and friends that teach me and help me to constantly become a better mother.
As a mompreneur, I'm learning a ton too. I've learned how to meet deadlines even when it seems impossible. I've learned not to get too frustrated when I don't have a new project right here and right now (though that is one that I'm still working on because I'm such a worrier!), and I've learned how to pace out my assignments so that I hopefully don't have that one week of NOTHING where I just panic. I've been at this for almost a year if you can believe it and though I still have a long way to go and a lot to learn, I do feel like I've come a long way. I'm trying to get creative with finding new work, keep my worries and stress levels in check no matter where I'm at in the cycle, and above all enjoy each and every stage. With Faith on the brink of walking and talking up a storm, I am enjoying where I'm at in this very moment--even if some of it is worrisome and stressful (such as when will she walk, where will my next job come from, and on and on and on) I think that I'm slowly learning to stay calm and embrace each day for the adventure that it brings.
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