Though you may be surprised to hear this, I feel as though I have a lot to be thankful for. Sometimes my rants or complaints may indicate otherwise, but I am so grateful for the many blessings that I have in my life. Though I hope, pray, and wish that my hubby finds a great job in the very near future, we are truly blessed in many other ways. We had a great Thanksgiving and I took it as an opportunity to reflect on all that we have and are thankful for. We had a really nice time with family and enjoyed watching Faith as she's really starting to get it all. Then of course I got to enjoy hitting up all the sales the next morning bright and early with all the other crazies....but I love it!
Now with the holidays in full swing, I'm choosing to be happy and enjoy my most favorite time of year. I am steady with work, hopeful for our future, and overwhelmed with joy when I look down at this beautiful little girl growing up right before my eyes. Such a fun stage! How can I be down with all the great things I have going for me? Forget the fact that I have absolutely no idea how I can possibly write a total of 64 articles this week (yes you read that correctly), it's the fact that I have the work, right? So will you find me like this next post? Perhaps and hopefully, but if not I am enjoying the season and being a happy and successful mommy and of course mompreneur!
The holidays are here, and hopefully that means GOOD THINGS AHEAD for everyone!!
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