As if we didn't already have enough going on, yesterday the little darling woke up with a fever! It was quite the fever but after a little Baby Motrin all was well. Fast forward to lunch with family and all of a sudden my fiesty little toddler fell asleep in my arms at a busy restaurant. Red Flag--something is wrong! Off to the Night Owl clinic we go and the diagnosis is as follows:
-Another Ear Infection
-Teething Hell
-HAND FOOT MOUTH DISEASE---Are you kidding me?!!!
So the poor little thing has sores all in her mouth, to the point that she just drools and can't even really open her mouth. We're hoping by mid week that she'll feel better but so far it's not so much fun for anyone. I feel terrible when she's sick, I feel so helpless as she has those sick eyes and looks all droopy! This may be something that I have to write regular reports on this week because if somebody would have told me that we would be dealing with unemployment and all of the issues that go along with it, a chaotic schedule for the hubby and I, new and less insurance, AND a sick baby I wouldn't have believed it!
I'm waiting to hear on a couple new projects......fingers crossed! In the meantime I'm working to finish up some existing work and find time to just take a deep breath. Life is crazy but I keep telling myself that it HAS to get better, right? I need some reassurance because there are moments in all of this that I seriously need to refrain from a full on meltdown (mommy and otherwise). Oh and to add to how this all transpired yesterday---we got home from the Kid Rock concert at 2:30am!! So when her sweet little cry came bellowing out at 6:15am, I thought that I might just fall over on the spot. That will teach me to act like I'm twenty-something again!!
So more updates to come and fingers crossed for some good stuff this week---we REALLY need it!!
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