She's back! My sweet little girl seems to be herself again, well mostly. She's not sleeping well as she keeps sitting up in her crib and crying until mommy keeps running to the rescue. All of a sudden she's just fine when mommy holds her, but then screams in terror when she's left alone. Part of hand-foot-mouth? Um no, thinking that it's teething and a whole lot of separation anxiety. Poor thing! I feel terrible that she feels left alone.....BUT I also can't keep running in there every hour on the hour. I can only drink so much coffee in a day to wake up!
So it would seem that our little sunshine is back, let's hope she stays this cute and amazing for a long time....and well!!
Wish that I had good news to report on the job front. Nothing, not a single thing! It's one of those days where it's getting to me but I'm trying not to give in. I'm just working away on my own stuff and hoping and praying that somehow something works out. Ugh! At least I have my little angel back, yeah for that!!
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