Be careful what you wish for--that statement seems to hold true a lot these days! I wished for Faith to walk and while this milestone has brought us great joy, it has also brought about a very active and very wiggly little toddler that just does not want to hold still. I wished for some work to come in, and though I am ALWAYS grateful for it I am now faced yet again with the feeling of panic that plagues me as I figure out how the heck I will get it all done. Let me expand a bit!
Faith has been loving life and exploring the world around her. It's a really cool feeling to watch her little eyes light up as she discovers new things everyday and gets better use of her legs becoming an expert (though still stumbling a bit) walking little girl! To that though, I will say that she has become a bit mishevious. Not a bad thing and certainly not unexpected but I can't keep up with her sometimes. I had to actually leave Church early as Faith was not having the "sit still and listen to mommy" that I was trying to spew. In spite of the snacks, books, and "interesting toys" that cluttered the floor around us, she was just done. That's the way it goes these days, and I'm trying to get used to it and learn a little mommy patience.
Every stage brings some awesome things and some new challenges so that's where we're at. We also purchased our first of many zoo memberships--seems to be a rite of passage in the young family crowd. She loved being there and seeing the animals so I suspect that we'll be spending some great time there--hopefully not just with me chasing her around the grounds!
I am now faced with several projects which is fantastic and I am always so grateful for the work in this competitive marketplace. However when I make my ever growing weekly "to do list", I find that I am a bit overwhelmed. I'm looking at about 65 articles a week for the next three weeks so I'm a little overwhelmed, but still eternally grateful. I will say I think that's why we drink the "mommy juice" as my friend calls it--wine does help a bit on the weekends! So back to the computer and coming up with some revolutionary content to fill all of these articles. Do they really think I know what I'm doing? Do I?
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