Monday, June 22, 2009

Give Me Strength

So the very worst case scenario happened with Jeff's job on Thursday....he was rather unexpectedly laid off. It really sent us both reeling and we're doing our very best to deal with it and to somehow stay strong, though admittedly it is really tough. It's really hard to understand why this is happening and though I do somehow believe that there's a reason and that we will discover what that is later on, right now it's just a lot to contend with. We're being resourceful and each doing our part to keep our family running smoothly. Fortunately Faith is still young enough that she's not entirely sure of what's going on just yet, which is good. I pray that we figure this out soon, especially before she is old enough to get it. It's a scary state of affairs and I pray that we can get back to normal as soon as possible.

Fortunately Faith has been such a good girl and so easy going--it's almost as if she knew what was happening. She's such a blessing, such a little angel and really one of the only things that is keeping us going right now. We do everything for her and for our little family and hopefully we will be blessed with something great and be able to put this scary chapter behind us. She's keeping us smiling and laughing constantly which is the greatest gift ever!

I'm doing my part to really try and step up my work efforts, to really try and drive more writring business for myself in hopes of supporting my family. I want to do my part and pray that I will continue to work in this capacity. I would be lost without my little angel next to me each and everyday and pray that somehow this will all end up okay and that I can continue to be the one who takes care of her and does everything for her each and every day. Suffice it to say that I will never complain again and will do my best to really appreciate all of the blessings that I have. Amazing how a tragic setback can make you really stand up and take notice. I hope that all the prayers we have with us and all the hard work turns int something truly wonderful. That we can stay happy and together as a family, because really that's the most important thing!

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