So we are now 11 days from the scheduled C-section and just waiting. There's a part of me that is so ready for this baby to come and I am anxious and restless. Then there's the other part of me that says to keep him in as long as I can because life will change dramatically. I think back to how drastically life changed when Faith was born, and I know it will make much more of an impact when this little boy comes.
We are pretty much done with the nursery and the nesting. There are little odds and ends that still need to be tended to, but we've made some good headway. I must admit that I'm a bit nervous to be alone with Faith right now just in case something happens. It was one thing when I was 37 weeks pregnant and it was just me. Now there's so much more to think about when I have this precious little girl to think about two.
My blood pressure escalated a bit, but I'm hoping that it stays under control. I pray for a safe and healthy remainder of the pregnancy and delivery. I can't wait to meet the little guy and pray that he will be happy and healthy! Faith seems to be excited about the premise of being a big sister......though I'm not entirely sure that she knows what's about to hit her just yet.
We are hoping for the best as I sit like a ticking time bomb. Enjoying summer as much as we can--taking Faith to the pool, getting her to Chuck E Cheese, and doing whatever we can to enjoy our last few days as a family of three. So more updates to come, but as of now just waiting patiently and trying to enjoy every minute of the journey!!
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