I can't believe that it's been so long, likely the longest I've ever gone without a post. Craziness! To say I've been busy is an understatement, as things have been hectic. Without further delay, I can share my big news that I am PREGNANT!! Yes, baby number two is due around August 30th and we are very excited. Faith will be a great big sister, but of course I'm a bit nervous as I know it will be a major adjustment and transition. I'm 16 weeks now and hoping that the nausea is behind me because it was a bit of a rough ride. In the meantime though, I am doing my best to enjoy and savor every second of the pregnancy and with just Faith.
I've been super busy with work, thankfully getting a lot of work through my existing clients. The hubby has had some interviews and has been quite busy with his freelance work as well. So far so good, and still hoping for more GOOD THINGS AHEAD!! We feel very blessed with this pregnancy and are just hoping that things work out with our situation before baby number two arrives in the late summer. Faith is bringing us much joy right now--we can hardly believe it when she repeats absolutely everything. We're in shock when she recites her "A, B, C's", and we are stunned when we hear her count up to 15. I'm so in awe of her and continue to just love her more and more everyday if that's even possible!!
So that's it......still trying to balance it all and having my good points and bad. Some days are awesome and I feel as if I can handle anything. Other days I feel like I struggle with even the easiest task and worry how in the world I will balance my career with my growing family. I'll do it and I know that I will, but hey it's going to be a wild ride in the meantime. More to come on these latest adventures of our family......I'm sure there will be plenty to tell over the next few months!!
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