Okay how does it go...."I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....."! We are living in a time of organized chaos in this house, but all in a good way. We both have a lot to keep us busy right now, which is all great in the end. However as we prepare for our first big plane trip with Faith, it's making for some late nights and tight deadlines. Yikes! We're so grateful for the work and experience, but hoping that this is all further indication of GOOD THINGS AHEAD!!
Nothing new to report, but I can honestly say that I've never felt so overwhelmed with deadlines as I do right now. I'm switching gears between natural detoxification articles and career description articles, so it's interesting to say the least. We are working well as a team, and THANK GOD FOR MY MOM!!! Faith has been in good spirits and just awesome lately, so that's helpful.
We went in for her 18 month check up (a bit delayed) and my 20 month old little girl is already over 23 pounds. Light by comparison to others, but I'm just amazed at what a big girl she is. She is soooooo much fun right now, keeping us laughing and in constant amazement. Her vocabulary has grown exponentially, almost overnight. She's saying so much and understanding so much, it's really remarkable. I think she senses that we're going to do something big as we keep telling her about the airplane, but I'm anxious to see how she does. Hoping it's a smooth flight both ways on all accounts!
So I'm going to keep building momentum, keep forging ahead, and keep hoping that there are GOOD THINGS AHEAD........and hoping that they come soon!!
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