There are some weeks that are good and others that aren't. Right now it's kind of a mix of somewhere in the middle. Here's where I stand:
*No movement on the job front for the hubby. Trying to stay hopeful but some days it is just downright difficult. We want to remain positive and hopefuly that something will come along, but so far no real movement. I swear though that this man is doing everything that he can to make something happen. That has to work out in the end, right?
*Some good constant work for me. Let's hope that this trend continues even if I can feel the calluses developing on my hands from all the time logged at this laptop. I LOVE the work and am so very grateful for it right now, but am not sure that I can see myself working as this chaotic pace forever more. To be honest, I'm working harder than I was in my Corporate job. Oh the stress.....but yet the rewards doing it on my own!
*Faith is ADORABLE but surely a toddler. She's saying something new everyday, picking up all sorts of new things, and keeping us smiling. She's also cutting a couple more teeth, not sleeping so great, and eating is not a favorite pasttime. I have to remind myself even at times like this that the difficult phases will pass and that I need to enjoy the good stuff. Sometimes hard given our stressful situation right now, but I'm sure trying!
*All in all very lucky for many things. Amazing family, great friends, a very active social life even amidst where we are right now, a roof over our head, and the ability to pay our bills and put food on the table. I have to sometimes remind myself that this is all something to be grateful for and remember even when I get super stressed. So in the spirit of that I am taking time out from the hectic day to post this out of gratitude and a rememberance that I need to be thankful and happy for what I do have instead of always focusing on what I don't.
Hoping for some good news as time carries on, hope with me my friends!!
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