It seems that my mantra these days is "good things, I need good things". Some days it works and others days not so much. This wasn't the best overall week on record to be honest. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that I tried my best to maintain a positive attitude which ended up making me feel disappointed and let down when all was not rosey. Perhaps it's because we're still waiting for some really great things to happen so that we may get our life back in order. It might have to do with the fact that I feel as though I am working non-stop with no real end in sight to things as I work to support my family. While I'm happy for the work (and I really am), I feel jipped as though it is taking time away from being with Faith. It's just tough all around!
We do have some great blessings to be thankful, namely Faith, and I keep remining myself of all of these things all the time. Hard not to smile when she looks at you, but yet it can make my constant seat at the kitchen table in my home office that much harder to sit at. All I can hope is that all of this effort and the positive thinking (that may come and go at times) will pay off and that there will in fact be "good things ahead". I am so grateful for the work, eternally thankful for Faith, and will do whatever I can to keep our family and happiness intact. Sure it's super hard sometimes and makes me feel beaten down when the weeks don't seem to change or improve at all. However I will just keep working away, looking at Faith to remember what it's all about, and above all keep telling myself and believing "better times ahead".