When you're in the middle of it you don't realize how nice it is......routine! I am a creature of habit, I like to be in my comfort zone, and when I'm away from it I go crazy. Colin is trying to sort of get into some sort of a routine but we're not there yet. He's smiling and laughing more which is awesome, but he's just a bit unpredictable and that's hard for a control freak planner like me! He's cute as can be and trying to cut two teeth so we wait and wait and wait in hopes that it will cure any fusiness that he may have.
Faith is doing very well in preschool and loving it. I see her thriving and really taking off in terms of her maturity and learning. She has her three year old moments but she is overall turning into such a beautiful and sweet little girl. She is big into helping right now and that makes even the roughest day so much easier to cope with. I feel so lucky to be home with both of them even though there have been a fair share of rough days over the last five months.
I am very happy to report that my freelance work has picked up again. Admittedly there have been some rather stressful days when the balance is tough. I again feel very lucky for an extremely supportive husband and mother for none of this would be possible without them. I am starting to get back into some sort of a working routine, but it is so much different with two than it was with one. You realize that very quickly!
We are getting there and hoping that a routine will be in full swing soon enough! In the meantime we are trying to enjoy all the little moments and work past the stressful ones with our two beautiful children!