Monday, December 21, 2009

So Excited!!

It's almost here and I'm getting really excited!! It's the week of Christmas and I can hardly contain myself in anticipation for Faith's reaction when she sees all of her presents on Christmas morning. She is starting to "get" the whole Santa thing, though I'm sure not completely. However when we wake up on Christmas morning and come downstairs to see everything--I am certain that she will be excited!

This is my favorite time of year as I've mentioned and I am really enjoying the joy and anticipation. We have some great things planned for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at our sister's houses. We even have a fun little get together planned for the day after, so the festivities continue! I am working hard to finish up work today and hoping to take some time off to just relax and enjoy my family.

So much to do and so much to enjoy! I contend that kids are what Christmas is all about, and I am certain that Faith will make this one truly special and memorable. I look forward to a new year full of happiness that we have hoped for, GOOD THINGS AHEAD, and in the meantime plan to enjoy every minute of the holiday festivities!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Finding Joy in the Season

So the work is steady and so is the stress, but I'm reminding myself to be grateful for it. Though I often feel overwhelmed, I'm working hard to ensure that feeling goes away when I realize how lucky I really am. Sure, the situation overall isn't ideal and there's moments where I go nuts, but as I get into the craziness of my work day I also happen to be in the same house as my little girl. I get to be there to kiss the "boo boo" better or pick her up when she just needs a hug. This is the season to remember what you're truly grateful for, and not only am I eterntally grateful for her, my husband, my mom, and all of my family and friends, but I am so grateful to be working from right here in my kitchen.

Perhaps I create my own stress sometimes--okay I KNOW that I do. Taking on cooking, baking, entertaining, shopping, and all of the other normal activities at this time of year is what energizes me. I love the hustle bustle, but when you combine it with everything else going on and working hard to meet deadlines before Christmas gets here......well let's just say that some days it makes for a perfect recipe for a mommy meltdown.

However when I get to see the look on Faith's face when we talk about Santa and be here to pick her up when she's having a bad day, it's all well worth it. That's the best part about being a mompreneur, is when you can somehow make it all work and balance it out. My new year's resolution is to continue to be grateful and work on a positive attitude across the board! And as always, wishing for GOOD THINGS AHEAD for all of us!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tis' The Season

I truly love this time of year, and I think that Faith is catching the bug just like her mommy! We will have packed in a total of four different Christmas events within five days as of tonight. These include a tree lighting, two parades, and a dinner with Santa. I can't get enough, and I think that Faith is enjoying every second of it. It's hard to be down or upset at this most festive and wonderful time of year, so I'm trying to apply all of that positive energy into my everyday attitude. As I think through all of the fun that we have planned in the next couple of weeks, it occurs to me how lucky we are to have such wonderful friends and family. So much to feel blessed for!

Both Jeff and I are working away, so busy and hoping that it all pays off. Though there is no new news on the job front for him, I am hopeful that the new year will bring about new opportunities. In the meantime, I'm trying to make sure that we focus on making the best possible Christmas for Faith. It's such a joy to see her reaction everytime we see Santa or Christmas lights. She is what the season is all about! She is also continuing to add new words to her vocabulary each and everyday, sometimes being our little parrot. It makes for some fun days!

I am also quite thankful for all the work that I've had in these last few stressful months. I pray that it keeps up because it's really helped to keep us afloat. Though I get stressed out sometimes, I must admit that I LOVE being a mompreneur.....and for the most part think that I'm pretty darn good at it! So for now, GOOD THINGS AHEAD and of course looking forward to a fantastic Christmas season!!